
##———–movie search application(React)——————–##


Browse movies by title, or search.

View detailed movie information like runtimes, ratings, genre, year

Application that let’s you search for movies and TV shows and also let’s you add and remove them from favorites

#____Technologies used______#

Accesses The Movie Database (Omdb) API for movie related data

Uses React

Uses Axios for data fetching, included in a custom React Hook

Uses React Router for routing

Styled with Styled Components

Uses icons from Styled Icons (FontAwesome)

#____necessary commands_______#

Extentions: React

npm install

npm run build

npm start

———————-If any hesitations:——————————–

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 9 33 58 AM

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 9 34 15 AM

Screenshot 2023-04-06 at 9 54 05 AM